
Good Stewards of St. John’s,

At every Mass, we participate by joining both OUR suffering and OUR sacrifices—joined to His suffering and His gift of Himself at Mass.  We actually it before the eucharistic prayer:  “Pray my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice—and YOURS—may be acceptable to the to God, the almighty Father.”

 “As each one has received a gift, use that gift to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

 “Human life is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships:  

1) with God,

2) with our neighbor, and

3) with the earth itself.”

Pope Francis, Laudato Si (“Praise be to you, my Lord”,2015)

 Although we may not have a ‘rule’ of tithing about our ‘time’, our ‘talent’, or our ‘treasure’… we reflect on our part in supporting the needs of the Church.  We gently evaluate what we do, in fact, “give back to God” through our support of St. John’s.

Thank you, St. John’s, for your stewardship,

Sincerely, the priests at St. John’s—trying to be genuinely good stewards with all of you.  We are St. John’s…

Fr. Johnson & Fr. Schilmoeller

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