Building a foundation for the future of our parish on pillars of Faith, Community & Outreach, Education, and Facilities & Finances

From Our Pastor:

God our Father, we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of all people. Help us to take the talents and gifts that we possess and to lay them on the altar of your service, that we too may bring others to You. Accompany us here at St. John’s parish in our Strategic plan for 2022-2027 and in our positive and personal gift of our time, talent and our treasure. Help us to be ready to give – and even be sacrificial with – our time, our energy, and our money to spread Christ’s message wherever we live and to share with others the life of Christ which is in us. Help us to live, so that by our word and by our lives, many more may be moved to give their minds and hearts to You. God our Father, hear this prayer of our St. John’s Good Stewards through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
                   – Fr. Lyle Johnson, Pastor

Thank you to all who provided their input and time to help St. John’s discern our future as we put together our 5 Year Strategic Plan spanning 2022-2027.  Please find out more about our strategic plan and how you can be a part of the exciting future of our parish below. 


Our strategic plan involves 4 pillars that each have their own team, goals, and projects.  Please click on each pillar below to get more information.


To encourage all St. John parishioners to continue to participate and grow in their faith and love of God with
active participation in our parish family.

  • To form faith groups for all ages and to offer programs at different times throughout the week.
  • To create a Formation Team Leadership progression and training program for parish ministries and CCD.
  • To increase opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration for youth and adults, modeled after the Newman center
  • To create strategies to reach out to people who only attend church for specific sacraments (ie Easter,Christmas, RCIA) and to encourage them to participate fully in our Catholic community.
  • To explore ways to increase and sustain more parish retreats within the parish, such as Cursillo, Light of the World,, Alpha, etc. and provide babysitting so parents can attend.

To create a welcoming environment for our church and school that encourages fellowship, involvement and a sense of community.

  • Communications To educate and advertise how we communicate and promote activities, through available marketing channels, such as Flocknote, the website, social media, etc.
  • Outreach To identify under-served groups and develop new program options to serve them and to personally invite them into further engagement in the parish.
  • To develop strategies to reach out to new and potential parishioners and to welcome and involve them in the parish.
  • To offer adult and youth fellowship events and activities throughout the year, such as a parish picnic, hayrack rides, trivia night, movie night, etc.
  • To explore creative and engaging fellowship activities for all age groups that are not fundraisers.

To ensure a vibrant and financially sustainable parish and to foster parishioner commitment to supporting the future of our parish family and facilities.

  • To evaluate the parish campus and create a plan for current and future needs.
  • To encourage stewardship in the parish, through gifts of time, talent and financial giving.
  • To create a focused effort on financial sustainability for the church and school.
  • To create a consistent plan to communicate the financial and facilities needs of the parish.
  • To explore financial options for funding education to keep tuition and costs affordable

To support each child in our parish as they grow personally and spiritually, to encourage them in their
individual formation and development, and to promote academic excellence through exceptional teachers in

our parish school.

  • To enhance recruitment and retention of high quality faculty.
  • To ensure competitive salaries and benefits for faculty as compared to local schools.
  • To explore opportunities to offer all day preschool and infant to preschool daycare.
  • To increase opportunities for children to be involved in the church, during Mass and activities.
  • To explore ways to increase connectivity between the school and the parish CCD program.
  • To increase opportunities for children to be involved before, during and after Mass.
  • To explore options and strategies to increase enrollment in the school.
  • To explore enhanced curriculum options, including subjects such as STEM, etc

Background information from the kick-off of our strategic plan

5 Year Budget Forecasts (2022-2027):

List of Strategic Plan Projects & Status:

Use The Form Below To Suggest A New Project:

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